Do you miss the movie experience?Want to support a good cause?You’re in luck! “The cult classic comedy Groundhog Day will be the first drive-in movie, and be shown on June 27 at 8:30 pm. show at at St. Theresa of Avila Church in West Roxbury. JP Movie Night (JPMN) is working in collaboration with the church, JP’s Centre/South Main Streets, and with the cooperation of West Roxbury Main Streets, the event is serving as a fundraiser for the Jamaica Plain Main Streets Relief Fund, as all proceeds are going to support individuals who have lost their incomes due to the virus.” If you are interested :You can buy a ticket online to support the cause and see a movie classic tonight by going to .For full details about tonight’s event, visit: source: Austin 360#jp #jprentalsandsales #jamaicaplain #movienight #movies #drivein #news #support #supportlocal #fundraiser #saturday #saturdaynight