Happy Fall, Everyone!
Since fall has arrived, it is time to do a bit of fall cleaning/inspection/decorating⠀
Here are 5 ways you can prep yourself for the new season:⠀
1. Inspect your HVAC System: its important to get an inspection, clean your air conditioning system for its dormant period, and request a furnace tune up to ensure that your heating system is ready for the colder season to come and enhance its longevity.⠀
2. Plug Drafts: if cold air is allowed to seep into your home, your furnace is forced to work overtime causing steeper energy bills. You can avoid this by plugging up drafts using insulation or caulk in the case of cracks.⠀
3. Clean your Gutters: fall winds send dirt, debris and piles of autumn leaves into your gutter system which leads to clogs if you don’t remove leaves, branches and other debris regularly.⠀
4. Decorate: seasonal décor can improve the visual appeal of your indoor and outdoor settings. You can achieve this through wreaths, gourds, and fall-themed cushions/throw pillows, scented candles, blankets, comforters, and fall leaves.
5. Check your fireplace: be sure to check that your damper opens and closes easily and that your chimney is cleaned. One easy way to do this is by having an inspector come by eah year to ensure that everything is in order. ⠀
These are only a few of the ways that you can prepare your home in time to welcome fall!
: southernliving.com⠀
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