HOME BUYER TIP Check your credit score!⠀ ⠀ Credit scores are very important for home buyers because they help you qualify for mortgages and determine your interest rates:⠀ ⠀ If you do not already know your score, there are countless credit bureaus you can access for free online – just make use you are using a verified site / Bureau!⠀ ⠀ After you find your score, you can work to strengthen it prior to your purchase through simple actions such as staying on top of your credit card bills and keeping your current cards open!⠀ ⠀ #instarealtor #jprentals #jprentalsandsales #jp #creditscore #credit #planahead #homebuyer #realtortip #tips

alt taghome buyer tip check your credit score⠀ ⠀ credit scores are very important for home buyers becau 2

Check your credit score!⠀

Credit scores are very important for home buyers because they help you qualify for mortgages and determine your interest rates:⠀

If you do not already know your score, there are countless credit bureaus you can access for free online – just make use you are using a verified site / Bureau!⠀

After you find your score, you can work to strengthen it prior to your purchase through simple actions such as staying on top of your credit card bills and keeping your current cards open!⠀

#instarealtor #jprentals #jprentalsandsales #jp #creditscore #credit #planahead #homebuyer #realtortip #tips

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